Canada Investor Visas

Some Investor Immigration Programs To Choose From

It has always been possible for high-networth business persons to move to Canada and obtain temporary residency for their entire family. Today, there are more options than ever to leverage your experience and assets to get to Canada.

We are proud to offer investor work permit services to clients from around the world looking to invest in Canada.

Canada Investor Visa Program Eligible Nationalities Minimum Investment Amount
Start-up Visa All Nationalities No minimum; $200,000 suggested
Saskatchewan Entrepreneur Nomination All Nationalities $300,000 required
Significant Benefit Economic Contribution All Nationalities No minimum; $200,000 suggested
Intra-Company Transferee (ICT) Start-Up All Nationalities No minimum; $250,000 suggested
GATS General Agreement on Tariffs All Nationalities No minimum; $100,000 suggested
Saskatchewan Farm Owners and Operators All Nationalities $150,000 required
Europe Canada CETA Free Trade Agreement All EU Countries No minimum; $20,000 suggested
NAFTA / CUSMA Investor America, Mexico No minimum; $50,000 suggested
Trans Pacific Partnership Investor Australia, Japan, Mexico or Vietnam No minimum; $100,000 suggested
Korea - Canada Free Trade Agreement Korea No minimum; $50,000 suggested
Peru - Canada Free Trade Agreement Citizens and Residents of Peru No minimum; $50,000 suggested
Colombia - Canada Free Trade Agreement Citizens of Colombia No minimum; $50,000 suggested
Chile - Canada Free Trade Agreement Citizens of Chile No minimum; $50,000 suggested

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