Frequently Asked Questions

My company needs to hire a foreign worker. Can you help us?

Yes, we represent many employers across Canada who employ foreign workers. We can help any employer secure a work permit for their critical workers.

How can I check my eligibility for a visa?

The only way to get expert advice on your eligibility for a visa is to talk to an immigration attorney. A thorough consultation takes between 30 and 90 minutes. A consultation is a private discussion between you and an experienced lawyer.

At the end of your consultation, you will know if you are a good candidate to immigrate to Canada.

What happens in a consultation appointment?

  1. Document Review. Prior to your consultation, your lawyer will request copies of your immigration documents. You should share all of the documents you have from prior refusals, approvals, and and prior submitted applications.
  2. Review Your Situation. The first part of a consultation is spent in discussion collecting details so your lawyer can form a legal opinion. The lawyer will ask you to explain your circumstances and your immigration goals.
  3. Determine Your Eligibility. Your lawyer will explain exactly what programs are available to you. The lawyer will explain all of your options clearly and will identify which strategy will work the best.
  4. Comparison. Your lawyer will compare your options, and tell you which option will be the surest, fastest and least expensive pathway.
  5. Options, Cost, Chances, and Timeline. At the end of the consultation you will understand your options, the costs, your chances of success, and how long it will take.

I am not in Toronto, Ontario. Can you still help me?

While our office is located in Toronto, Ontario, many immigration programs are federal. Our firm therefore represents clients across Canada and worldwide. No matter where you are, we can represent you. We offer in-person, telephone, and Zoom meetings.

What happens after I hire you to represent me?

After you hire us, we begin to collect your critical documents and information. Our firm uses a sophisticated tracking system to organize all of your data, documents, and deadlines.

As soon as we accept your case, it will be assigned to a capable immigration lawyer. You will be provided with instructions on all of the steps you must take. We guide you every step of the way, as you obtain required medical, biometrics, and security checks.

Your immigration lawyer will guide and support you through your process. If you are required to attend an interview, our firm will prepare you with a series of mock-interviews.

Do you do refugee or asylum cases?

No, we do not help refugees or asylum seekers.

I want to know my chances before I pay. Can you listen to my situation first?

You deserve to get expert advice from someone who completely understands the details of your situation. It takes a minimum of 30 minutes to review a case. We only offer opinions and advice during paid appointments.

Our Fees Are Fully Transparent

How much does it cost to hire a Canadian Immigration Law Firm?